Through the second assignment, we found that Facebook is not only used as a medium of social interaction but also as one of the topic in Computer Mediated Communication research. Throughout the corpus, many linguistics elements can be studied on for example discourse function, politeness and speech acts. We also found out interesting facts about emoticons used in the conversation between the users in our corpus and what lead people to use emoticons in their discussion. We found that it is difficult for us to do this assignment in terms of corpus collection because only one of us did really know about the topic discussed in the Facebook inbox. However, she managed to explain well to the rest in terms of the short form used throughout the corpus, book and movie titles, and what is exactly they meant in the discussion. So we could understand what she is talking about with the subjects in the discussion. From this assignment, we could learn to how to get the corpus, then we analyzed it into several parts divided for each members and it gives us an awareness of the importance of corpus in analyzing any research.
A good reflection.