We choose 'LITERARY GENRES II : INTRODUCTION TO DRAMA' (ENGL 1525) to be the topic of our blog because we can always relate the plays to real life issues. One of the plays we had learned in the course previously is 'Doctor Faustus' by Christopher Marlowe in 1592. It is a morality play with lots of lessons and values that are still applicable to our society today, especially the Malay society. Doctor Faustus is a brilliant scholar, whose ambition for knowledge, wealth, and worldly might makes him willing to pay the ultimate price; his soul to Lucifer in exchange for supernatural powers. The play was written in the Renaissance era, where knowledge and power are everything and religion was rejected. This practice is happening now in our society, so we will be looking at this matter from an Islamic point of view. Many deviant teaching cases arises from time to time; Ayah Pin and Haji Kahar are the most controversial example of such cases. Not to forget, Malaysians favor this, leads to the production of lots of this kind of movies; Khurafat, Mantera and Dukun.
In learning 'LITERARY GENRES II: INTRODUCTION TO DRAMA' (ENGL 1525), students need to deal with many short stories that are imposing the Christian's elements. However, as IIUM implemented the Islamization of knowledge, the students must imbue all the subjects with Islamic values and viewpoints.
The power of Knowledge
In Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe, we can compare the way Dr. Faustus being enthusiasm in seeking knowledge and the way we seek knowledge in line with Islam. As we know, Islam prohibits Muslims to acquire bad knowledge which would astray them from the path of Allah. Islam encourages us to acquire knowledge that would give pleasure to Allah. So by that, we could be near to Allah and get His bless because seeking knowledge is considered as an Ibadah in Islam. From Quran, the evidence can be seen through the surah Al- Alaq, verse 1-5 which signifies the significant in seeking knowledge.
Black Magic Against Islamic Teachings
As can be seen in Dr. Faustus, he acquired black magic which is considered as prohibited knowledge to be acquired in Islam. In Islam, acquiring bad knowledge such as black magic could astray us from gaining blessing from Allah. In addition, black magic is an old human practice. In Dr. Faustus , when he sold his soul to Lucifer, it is an action that against the Islamic teaching as it defines as seeking the help of demons to be superior.
"Suleiman (Solomon) did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved teaching men magic" (2:102)
From the verse above, we can find evidence why Allah prohibited the acquisition of black magic.
Good introduction to islamization of knowledge. Justification for the theme of the blog is deduced here. The verse 2:102 at the end, should be elaborated.